This research aims to study how community empowerment can be implemented in Degayu Village and the influence on waste management. Based on questionnaires, interviews, and observations used to collect data, it shows that participation is strongly correlated with exposure to information, and environmental knowledge, but weakly correlated with environmental attitudes. In ensuring the validity of the results, the researcher used data source triangulation, to validate the findings from various possible perspectives. The importance of regular information dissemination, valid and persuasive messages, provision of facilities, and the role of community leaders to help increase community participation in waste management was emphasized in this study. Communities can minimize waste production from the start by sorting at the source (e.g. separating recyclable and organic waste), composting, and actively engaging in waste banks. The results revealed that collaboration with community organizations, community leaders, and local government agencies as well as involving the entire community in its implementation with an empowerment approach will be effective. The implication of this finding is that program implementation can create community creativity in waste management and change people's habits in disposing of waste. These findings not only advance waste management practices, but also demonstrate the potential of community-based initiatives to drive positive change in two aspects, namely the environment and the economy. Future research should be conducted to identify community needs as a basis for building appropriate waste management institutions.
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