This study has the following objectives: 1. To describe the product quality, brand awareness, and consumer buying interest in Roti Ketawa Waka Waka Pematangsiantar. 2. To determine the effect of product quality and brand awareness on consumer buying interest in Roti Ketawa Waka Waka Pematangsiantar, either simultaneously or partially. The entire population sampled used in this study were consumers as many as 40 people. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection is done by questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The analysis technique used is the research instrument test, qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive. descriptive which includes multiple linear regression, simple linear regression, correlation coefficient analysis and determination, and hypothesistesting.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Product quality, brand awareness, and consumer buying interest are good. 2. There is a positive effect between product quality and brand awareness on consumer buying interest. 3. The results of the correlation analysis r = 0.799 means that there is a strong and positive relationship between product quality and brand awareness with consumer buying interest in Roti Ketawa Waka Waka Pematangsiantar. Then the value of the coefficient of determination (KD) is 0.638, meaning that the level of consumer buying interest can be explained by 63.8% by product quality and brand awareness. 4. Hypothesis H0 is rejected, meaning that product quality and brand awareness have positive and significant effect on consumer buying interest in Roti Ketawa Waka Waka Pematangsiantar either simultaneously or partially.
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