• Melcia Lydia Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung
  • Supitriyani Supitriyani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung
  • Debi Eka Putri Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung
  • Ruth Tridianty Sianipar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung
  • Loist Abdi Putra Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung
Keywords: Leverage, Activity, Dividend Policy and Profit Growth


The   ipurpose   iof   ithis   iresearch   iare   ito   i1.   iDetermine   iof   ileverage,   iactivities,   idividend   ipolicy   iand   iprofit   igrowth.   i2.   iThe   ieffect   iof   ileverage,   iactivities   iand   idividend   ipolicy   ion   iprofit   igrowth   iboth   isimultaneously   iand   ipartially.   iThe   iresults   iof   ithis   iresearch   iwas   iconducted   iusing   idesign   ilibrary   iresearch,   iqualitative   idescriptive   iand   iquantitative   idescriptive   ianalysis   imethods.   iData   icollection   iis   idone   iby   idocumentation   imethod.   iThe   iresults   iof   ithis   iresearch   ican   ibe   isummarized   ias   ifollows:   i1.   iThe   iaverage   ileverage   iand   idividend   ipolicy   ifluctuate and tends to increase while activity and profit growth fluctuates and tend to descrease. 2. Multiple linear regression analysis of leverage, activity and dividend policy negatively affect profit growth, simple regression analysis of leverage and activity positively affect profit growth while dividend policy negatively affects profit growth. 3. The correlation coefficient  there is a variable relationship between leverage and activity on profit growth is at a negligible correlation, while activity on profit growth is at a moderately correlation. 4. The coefficient of determination of leverage, activity and dividend policy can explain most of the profit growth. 5. F test leverage, activity and dividend policy have a positive and significant effect on profit growth. 6. The t-test of leverage, and activity has a positive and insignificant effect on profit growth, dividend policy has a negative and significant effect on partial profit growth.


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