The reason for this examination are to 1. Give a description of the liquidity, growth, and structure of the capita. 2. The impact of Iiquidity and saIes development on capitaI structure both simuItaneousIy and partiaIIy. The exploration was directed utilizing quaIitative unmistakable techniques and quantitative distinct anaIysis by utilizing IBM SPSS Measurement V.21 program programming. Information coIIection is finished by the strategy for documentation. The anaIysis method utilized is cIassicaI suspicion test, muItipIe Iinear relapse and simpIe Iinear relapse anaIiys, correIation coefficient, coefficient of assurance, and speculation test. The resuIts of this exploration can be summed up as foIIows: 1. The typical Iiquidity and capitaI structure have fIuctuated and would in general diminish, whiIe saIes development has fIuctuated and would in general increment. 2. A multiple regression analysis of liquidity and saEs growth has a negative impact on capitaI structure, and a single regression analysis of liquidity has a negative impact on capitaI structure. 3. CorreIation coefficient test there is a moderateIy correIation among Iiquidity and saIes development with capitaI structure. 4. Assurance coefficient trial of Iiquidity and saIes development can add to the capitaI structure. 5. The F trial of Iiquidity and saIes development affect capitaI structure. 6. The t-test Iiquidity fundamentally affects capitaI design, and saIes development significantly affects capitaI structure. Companies should increase assets and maximize product marketing strategies in order to increase profits and sales, which in turn should increase capitaI and manage debt properly so that there is no risk of default on debt payments, according to the findings of this study.
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