The ipurpose iof ithis iresearch iare: iTo ifind iout i1) iOverview iof iactivity, iprofitability, ifirm isize iand icapital istructure, i2) iThe ieffect iof iactivity, iprofitability iand ifirm isize ion icapital istructure iboth isimultaneously ior iand ipartially. iThis iresearch iwas iconducted iusing iqualitative idescriptive ianalysis iand iquantitative idescriptive ianalysis. iThe iobject iof ithis iresearch iis ithe iMining iSector iCompanies iListed ion ithe iIndonesia iStock iExchange ifor ithe i2017-2021 iperiod. iThe iresults iof ithis istudy ican ibe isummarized ias ifollows: i1. iAverage iactivity iand icapital istructure itend ito idecrease iwhile iprofitability iand ifirm isize itend ito iincrease. i2. iThe itest iresults iof imultiple ilinear iregression ianalysis istate ithat iactivity iand iprofitability ihave ia inegative ieffect, iwhile ifirm isize ihas ia ipositive ieffect on capital structure. 3. The test results of simple linear regression analysis state that activity has a negative effect, profitability and firm size have a positive effect on capital structure. 4. The results of the correlation coefficient analysis test state that there is a moderate relationship between activity and capital structure, there is a very low relationship between profitability and capital structure, and there is a low relationship between firm size and capital structure. 5. The results of the F (simultaneous) H0 test are rejected, meaning that activity, profitability and firm size have a significant and significant effect on capital structure.
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